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some new prints on fine art paper soon in the shop the one in the picture below is the hang - a work of 2010 . .
una nuova versione in color corallo scuro (ruggine?)
a new version of a former one in a dark coral texture
olivia jeffries has a winter sale on her shop
it is the occasion to buy one of her superspecial works – have a look!
here are 8 postcards (size 20 x 14 cm – double layered smooth white paper – 400 g )
I would like to choose 4 of them to form a pack for sale
how is your favourite quartet?
comments are exceptionally open on this post – to leave your click on the permalink :)
thank you to olivia and nathalie and luciana that already left their kind opinion on the voices page
1 – 2
3 – 4
5 – 6
7 – 8
a new eccentric christmas print in the shop: the freak!
suitable also for christmas greeting cards
made color test and now all christmas cards are for sale :)
tahnkyou to all of you that left their kind birthday greetings and wishes both on blog and facebook:
they made my day and gave me joy – grazie! thank you! :-)