Category Archives: personal

time ago I have been invited to participate to an artist exchange
made a stolen-zine using old magazines paper cuts
the zine went to denmark even if I still didn’t have any note from the receiver
suppose the exchange is going on – at the moment I only received only a watercolor from swiss
world is not always so punctual…


NEW – some of them on my flickr

working to something new - CMYK related
did some in the past on this matter, about book pages with a digital revision / more  here

(in the last times have the sinister sensation to be prisoner of my dresses, of their archetypal shape…)


new section added to recollect old posts that have been formerly published on some other blog of mine
you can find it in the sidebar

started this blog with enthusiasm, of course – but am realising after a short time that it is taking the wrong way
this is a place of fiction and I can’t find a worst and devaluated thing than fiction, actually
do I really think that the world is this? that life is this? and that my work is this? no – I don’t
do I think that some silly pictures from my diary life are enough? I don’t
feel am building a ridiculous and irrelevant frame to my days and feel that pictures don’t tell enough – and that also my words don’t tell enough
blogosphere is redundantly full of nice pictures of nice homes, images of pretty cups and luxury recipes – of poetic landscapes, wonderful buildings facades and appealing mix of colors
is this really enough for you? well, to me is not sufficient at all
my visual work lost energy and strenght in time, due to this formal embellishment
what is behind the curtain? where is, for instance, real people in all those brilliant pictures?
I mean, not people with the right color coat or fashioned trousers, but people that tell stories, that explain the world as it really is, with its conflicts and contraddictions, with its bad side also, and not only the glossy one /

this is what I actually miss /
really, it don’t means that I will stop my flow of images but that will try to correct it, to redirect it giving a different path to the blog itself, maybe bringing it back to the beginning, when I was writing more about questions that don’t deal necessary with amenity and pleasantness, and publishing less photos /
(the flow of people is pretty scarse so it will not be a great trouble for you if I will use this space making mistakes and trials, not always so estethical, not always fairy…)

one of aspects that made me think about this matter has been that looking at my works people did not catch the human aspect, the importance of words I put between signs and of what is leading behind the surface, the effort of including dinfferent aspects of life / my (artistic) fault, of course – but also a question of irrelevance in watching (how many of you, for instance, translated the words I put in the dresses I make?) /
it looks like we just need new imagery every day and we need to say “beautiful!” each time we can, because this gives us the impression of feeling better, of being better –

beauty can’t really live in emptyness – and beauty is not necessary happyness

ps/ sorry for eventual mistakes spread around the text – english is not my first language

december is here and I am doing a little things at home
made the first print in a3 size of a poster (it will be 50×70 cm) to recollect some of 2009 works
first christmas envelopes ready to be sent
added a small ikea frame to an old print (should make a box for the original one but…)

and – they ask me to send a couple of tiny books to chicago for a zine show :)
(they are soooo small…will people see them really?)


thank you for commenting about last posts
in the past it was very hard to find a good italian oil abroad, now they sell it all around the world and prices are not impossible
this is really a good thing :)

grazie – spero che il blog, oltre che un luogo dei sensi sia anche un luogo del senso, inteso come significato :-)
un saluto!

quando ti prende la fame puoi sempre ricorrere al mio stesso metodo – penso che da te il buon olio non manchi :-)

printing & cutting  some greeting cards for friends – will send them next week
photos are not so good, but colors of the prints are exactly as I intended :)

self made christmas cards:
paper 400 g double layer, white smooth  – size 14 x 20 cm  (the back is completely white)
also made some folded one (200 g heavy)
if someone is interested in these sizes instead of shop ones, please drop me a line as soonest as possible

in italia, when a woman uses to wear lots of jewels and fancy ornaments we say:
she looks like a christmas tree
how do you express it in your language and country?

anyway – this idiomatic expression inspired my last 2009 christmas cards
(from now on I will put my head in other)
will print them in the afternoon to send in time
these two will not go to the shop – they are just for my personal use or direct sale


absurd eighties: last christmas by the wham – the kingdom of inconsistence :)