Category Archives: personal

I am the angel of reality,
seen for a moment standing in the door

wallace stevens *


time can  change people (at least me) so much
you could test it in my previous post, where I showed you several angels drawn in the years
my way of considering and processing what I see and live is different day by day, even if some references don’t lose their importance
one of my beloved poets and writers is rainer maria rilke and often go to repass his sublime verses
he wrote about angels and could make this archetypal figure match so intimately with incoming modernity of 1900
then, I still was very young, met the work of another great poet that wrote an entire book entitled to angels: rafael alberti, born in spain, spent some of his life in italia too, during francisco franco dictatorship / he as been one of the greatest exponents of spanish leftist culture
his angels come directly from real life, a metropolitan life we can verify in our everyday

+ el angel ceniciento +

Precipitadas las luces
por los derrumbos del cielo,
en la barca de las nieblas
bajaste tú, Ceniciento.
Para romper cadenas
y enfrentar a la tierra contra el viento.
Iracundo, ciego.
Para romper cadenas
y enfrentar a los mares contra el fuego.
Dando bandazos el mundo,
por la nada rodó, muerto.
No se enteraron los hombres.
Sólo tú y yo, Ceniciento.




actually my body is crossing a difficult moment – as my life and my country
would meet a powerful and very patient angel, maybe – helping me to (feel) better

in a recent post camilla put a photo of a special christmas angel made by cornelia
during the years I drew many angels (not for christmas time) each one different in shape and attitude
today made some scans of those i still have at home – a small angelical antologia

  1. angels in love – late 80s
  2. small wings angel – 1992
  3. silver silver blue blue – 1997
  4. cometa – 1998
  5. hanged angel – 1999

eurythmics – there must be an angel – 1985

next post will show you  most recent angels


I am not too satisfied of my work recently
anyway –  like this pattern of mine enough
this is a new print (a3 size) – hand tinted and finished with chalk powder
made it for a friend


these days am making scans of hand treated works I made this summer
then will create a gallery for sale on my website
(original will be for sale –  scans are just to show them online)

they look like old  kodachrome but are not – … my eyes have a blurry attitude >>> :-|
anyway – they make a good match with this languid vintage video found on utube

new on flickr – 3 experiments on the same theme

(you can go on posting about card choice meanwhile)

here are 8 postcards (size 20 x 14 cm – double layered smooth white paper – 400 g )
I would like to choose 4 of them to form a pack for sale
how is your favourite quartet?

comments are exceptionally open on this post – to leave your click on the permalink :)
thank you to olivia and nathalie and luciana that already left their kind opinion on the voices page

1 – 2

3 – 4

5 – 6

7 – 8

reading about some books she is going to afford in the next time I realize that this year has been poor in lectures but the few I made have been almost special / hope to recuperate during christmas days, while at my parents

this morning printed some postcards in a big size to arrange a set  for sale
made 8 different prints but still don’t have decided which 4 will be chosen
next post will show you better – will you please tell me the 4 you like more?

and more on my table, about some swap
I am getting older:  when I make some cut works have to take off my glasses


wrote you some lines about your words and you will receive them in some days
anyway – suppose it is a question of personal conscience and not exactly of beauty itself
beauty that doesn’t carry some truth inside is just an empty ornament
and truth is a very complicated affair, not always so pleasant, to be lived as to be described

know very well the long hot summer in the original with paul newman, but even if I like it pretty much don’t find so much analogies with bobby long / they are both very special movies, anyway
thank you for commenting, you are always welcome :)