Category Archives: diario

these days of autumn are perfect for reading a book in the park  during noon hours
yesterday it was not a mine idea only and park benches were all busy!
so decided to seat on one of the rock groups spread around in the green

long tailed tits and blue tits were tenderly crunching berries and seeds up on the trees :-)


(original version: bill frisell – egg radio)


millaemonnez: benvenuta e grazie per la visita  :-)


we made a long and relaxing walk yesterday
it was lighty and warm, perfect to explore autumn woods

yesterday went to visit my parents

  1. chestnuts found in a small wood
  2. apple form verzegnis
  3. winter rose
  4. autumn woods near the river
  5. old ivy in the garden of a friend
  6. it is not my party but it is time to give an help
  7. my uncle gave me his polaroid just to try :)


I am so glad to receive first comments on the new blog – thank you!

nathalie: our messages went on crossing – anyway you are always welcome :)
camilla: happy to meet you here and thank you for your kind comment (…ciao morran!)
chiara: benvenuta sul nuovo blog –  a presto!

at home in a rainy day / some shots of these autumn hours
and a nice music (happy that david sylvian left to use too much glitch)

chill came too fast and body still have to get accustomed to low temperatures /
this sudden season change did not help my mood …

  1. on kitchen desk
  2. old teapot with zara fancy knob
  3. this is apples season
  4. at the flea market past sunday I bought a book of  vernacular poems of novella cantarutti / didn’t know she died on 20th of september :-(
  5. also bought a pair of old wooden frames with passepartout
  6. yes – two nice and simple frames

left old blog with a bycicle ride and I am back again with some shots from a short trip of mine, the last day of summer before sudden chill came / went to visit a flea market near a school where I tought in 2008 / it has been a nice ride

put some poladroid-s on my flickr some days ago – here is a small selection

still have to find the right size for pictures in the new blog
(even if this template doesn’t create any trouble about)