Category Archives: diario

and so I am

each year d. brings me a tree branch for christmas time
he chooses it very carefully in the woods around home and I apriciate it so much
more because he doesn’t like holidays preparatives

he does it just for my personal happiness – he’s a great friend :)

in italy we have the best olive oil ever
and when I am a little down for any reason, use my personal remedy …

a new cafè has recently opened very close to where I live
it is quiet and pleasant, with a couple of old armchair in a corner, books on the shelves, and a good selection of equal exchange teas
took some few photos while having breakfast
this bar is part of a local circuit and also have a website with some nice music, all in coffee theme/ link

then I had a short walk to test new lens with film camera
still find some autumn colors here around – warm and intense, they detach on grey


link: like so much this bike!

some hours at my parents
a little sun – then clouds again

today bought a new lens for my old 35 mm camera :)

this afternoon, while coming back in town, took a picture each time the bus stopped

bus stop /
the original one is from the hollies


thank you for passing and commenting :)

these are very grey days / sun seems not to come out anymore
so – the picture is taken in this same day but one year ago
old tom waits song at the radio just now, like in a very far christmas

control / another all b&w recent movie – by anton corbijn on the life of jan curtis