Category Archives: diario
silvia bre – marmo
tarkowskij – nostalghia
pencil on moleskine – 2004
ci dobbiamo mescolare
i cosiddetti sani e i cosiddetti ammalati
sono proprio i cosiddetti sani
che hanno portato il mondo sull’orlo della catastrofe!
well (well?) – christmas is finally over spent eve in bed with flu and woke up on 25th morning very weak, to give presents and gifts to my parents / left in the afternoon from a small local train station, on a dirty and uncomfortable desert vagon – carrying with me some small presents (some food from my mum and a perfumed soap, a nice jersey from my aunt, an handmade chaplet from d&l) while having christmas lunch with my family, italy was flooded by an uninterrupted rain that caused ground collapses almost everywhere / entire villages had to be evacuated some people definetly lost their houses somewhere an entire village has been devastated by mud and water and all new houses moved downstream, while the medieval area resisted well, arising on a solid rock: as almost everywhere, ancient wisdom has been killed by commercial laws / even internet is yet merely based on money and almost nothing that we do is for free we try to gain money from each single sign, from each loop-stitch, and we are forgiving that a very big size of the world is excluded from any kind of shopping / on 24th, during the hours I spent with fever in my childhood bed, read a small booklet I bought from a net known publisher / it is a sort of glossary made by discursive descriptions of animals / lot of them are taken from editor blog, while others have been written by people I ignore (the book is anonimous) / after reading, even apriciating some of the unusual descriptions, thought immediately that until some yers ago, this small book should have been used as an editorial gift, or as an article in a magazine, and not as a unique editorial product for sale / not enough substance, undefined and not precisely curated, a contemporary provisionality that can be apriciated in a literary sense, but that shouldn’t have a concrete value / efemera – we are actually pricing and gadgeting everything! note1: in the magical night of snow we experienced last week, 42 poor people living in the street died in poland for chill… but I still go on in publishin delightful scenes of a snowy park and a glowing christmas note2: it is not just the social and real aspect of life that I miss, reading the most part of the blogs I daily attend to, but also a more intimate exposition of thoughts and sensations, a more evident endangerment / we are submerged by decorative details but the sentiment is so rare and preserved from passing out
life is not completely written
so: nothing so strange in finding myself with a running flu the day before christmas
too much snow or too much rain?
hope it will be short and that tomorrow I will reach my parents
today had a walk in the park – there was such a great light reflecting on the snow!
paths and boundaries were completely dissolved and could walk in every direction without prefixed hyerachies
actually we are experiencing very cold days, an unusual freeze – tonight temperature was around -10°C
this morning found my bike full of such a dry snow and a thin layer of ice
made also a relaxing stop to my cafe & took a white hymalaian tea while reading a photo book about guatemala
while coming back saw a nice bird on a pine tree: it was an eurasian jay (garrulus glandarius)
remember I saw another one in croatia during last sea holiday and made a sketch on my moleskine
normally they live in more savage places but maybe she reached the city due to the recent cold
suddenly – first snow came, with a very cold wind, like in a storm
this freezy snow is pretty unusual at this low altitude
seven whales found died on the garganican beach:
they changed nylon bags for calamars
(picture take from today manifesto)
last salute to igor man, a special journalist, and to jennifer jones
and in the night between 17 and 18 someone stole the sign on the auschwitz front door (link)
have been at my parents for a day, to build their christmas tree
frost changed color and appearance of the country – fields seemed smoother and almost iridescent
snow arrived until the lower mountain tops …
I’m happy you liked the christmas card I sent you
the address should be glued on the back of the envelope, written around a red&white target…
some of my friend are so good persons – think that my drawings will never be enough compared to their heart :)
thank you anyway, you’re always kind
those dresses seem designed on paper more than knitted!
thank you for inspiration
reading about some books she is going to afford in the next time I realize that this year has been poor in lectures but the few I made have been almost special / hope to recuperate during christmas days, while at my parents
this morning printed some postcards in a big size to arrange a set for sale and more on my table, about some swap
camilla: mandy: |