monthly archives: novembre 2009

some poladroid duo-s on my flickr

sometimes would like to copy some words of my diary on the blog
but I am still convinced this is a place for other kind of atmosphere / no matter
today made a calm and peaceful trip, coming back home after a medical test
rain stopped in a while and the sky got clean and shine / light was warm, like gold
and music was the best company ever

doesn’t this song of sun kil moon remaind you the great john martyn?


ps / this morning d. came with an incredible present:  a new bycicle … all mine!! :-)


udine – scuola media – 2008 (foto tracciamenti)

new york times about the european human rights court decision

stefano rodotà su repubblica

don milani

natalia ginzburg

muore a 100 anni claude levi strauss
intelligenza e sensibilità difficili da rigenerare

it has been a very nice sunset, after the rain
trees glowing like they were in fire, with red leaves and wood made orange by the light


also music speaks orange tonight

thank you for kind comment and for visiting the blog /
I definetly love jazz – after many years it remains a precious mistery to me /
also like putting toghether words, images and music: it makes me feel a particular kind of freedom like a childish game :-)

add a new paper dress to my imagekind shop :)
it is a special edition of dress #34 in a very appealing water-green tone

hope you will like it!

Spazio spazio io voglio, tanto spazio
per dolcissima muovermi ferita;
voglio spazio per cantare crescere
errare e saltare il fosso
della divina sapienza.
Spazio datemi spazio
ch’io lanci un urlo inumano,
quell’urlo di silenzio negli anni
che ho toccato con mano


s  h e ‘ s  g o n e
