monthly archives: novembre 2009
like these two of leo postma / link via BOOOOOOOM!
anch’io son contenta del blog tutto bianco
(ci ho messo una settimana a capire come funzionava il foglio di stile del template:-| )
la luce potrebbe essere dovuta a qualche forma di incompetenza
…oppure al fatto che frequento sempre gli stessi posti? :-)
eu tambem gosto da aquela das velas … tampouco parece uma minha foto!
(…preciso exorcismo?) :-)
not to be completely innocent
in time I collected really many digital pictures – the most of them are horrible!
today publish some I would like to save from recycle bin (period 2007/08)
- firenze 2007
- venezia 2007
- udine 2008
- udine 2007
- udine 2007
- udine 2007
- venezia 2007
apparently simple and disconnected / like so much these collages
behind it’s hidden the brilliant talent of john gall
looking at his works I run with my mind to details of some renaissance paintings, some botticelli or angelico
but he feels closer to hieronymus bosch probably
yet his spirit is strictly contemporary and his style so unconventional
1-2 / botticelli
3/ angelico
come già sai son pessima lettrice, e il libro della woolf non l’ho mai nemmeno preso in mano :-|
il film invece, alcuni passaggi son bellissimi ed anticipatori – e poi, tilda swinton, fantastica…
these days I have been making some poladroids from a bunch of old pictures
it has been a way to look back to many personal moments from my last years
now it is time for christmas cards
I looked for a neutral video about the wall that wasn’t totally west made, but still couldn’t find it
my answer of today is: was the world ready for the end of communism?
chiude diario? …nel più perfetto silenzio / link alla notizia
added 3 new pieces on my shop
these were made in 2006 and are dedicated to children (but not only!)
hope you’ll enjoy