monthly archives: ottobre 2009
some red …
… some green
we made a long and relaxing walk yesterday
it was lighty and warm, perfect to explore autumn woods
nice illustrations of jason holley via the lumper
yesterday went to visit my parents
- chestnuts found in a small wood
- apple form verzegnis
- winter rose
- autumn woods near the river
- old ivy in the garden of a friend
- it is not my party but it is time to give an help
- my uncle gave me his polaroid just to try :)
I am so glad to receive first comments on the new blog – thank you!
nathalie: our messages went on crossing – anyway you are always welcome :)
camilla: happy to meet you here and thank you for your kind comment (…ciao morran!)
chiara: benvenuta sul nuovo blog – a presto!
add a new page to the blog – you can find it in the sidebar
I called it VOICES and it is a space where you can leave comments and opinions
hope to read you soon
un gioco borghese / questo è un dolore privato
a middle-class game / this is a deprived-private pain
(in italian private and deprived can be expressed by a unique word)
right click to enlarge
at home in a rainy day / some shots of these autumn hours
and a nice music (happy that david sylvian left to use too much glitch)